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Not everyone deserves a place in your life - Emelia Brobbey

The Ghanaian movie industry is loaded with pretty ladies and Emelia Brobbey is definitely one of them.

The actress who parted ways with her husband last year primarily because of her career in acting seems to have entirely gotten over it.

In a post on her Instagram Page today she said, “The older I get, the more I realize the value of privacy, of cultivating your circle and only letting certain people in”.

Well, opposed to the popular belief that one ought to be married to be happy, it may not be the same for everyone as Emelia’s posture comes across as “a happier divorced” woman as she has managed to stay strong, positive and happy as a single woman.

She however cautioned against letting just anyone into a person’s life. “You can be open, honest and real yet not everyone deserves a seat at your table of your life,” she observed.

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Not everyone deserves a place in your life - Emelia Brobbey Reviewed by Unknown on February 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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