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Kwaw Kese - Obour’s Term In Office Has Been So Bad

Kwaw Kese - Obour’s Term In Office Has Been So Bad 

Rapper Kwaw Kese has expressed immense disappointment in the tenure of MUSIGA President Bice Osei Kuffour, popularly known as Obour, noting that the award winning musician has done very little to advance the industry ever since coming into office.

Obour’s term in office has been so bad, Kwaw Kese said, that even the physical structure of the MUSIGA office has been left to rot. Kwaw Kese, in an interview with KMJ on Daybreak Hits, said that whilst he had expectations Obour’s reign would have changed things for the industry, he has done next to nothing in his time in office.

“Seeing my brother occupying such position I thought we were going to have something good from Obour but he has disappointed us. To me, I don’t see Obour as my president,” Kwaw Kese said.

He added: “Obour has never painted the place , doors are rusted and he has rented the place out to a church but we thought he was going to maintain the place.’’ He said all things considering, Obour’s time in office has been a colossal failure.

Kwaw Kese also touched on the VGMA awards, noting that winning awards was fine but making money is more important.“If VGMA gives you the recognition and you don’t work yourself to the top, you will not make money.” he said.

“When Stonebwoy won Artiste of the Year, he went all the way to win BET but when EL won Artiste of the Year did he win BET?’’

‘Abodam’ said his interest is in making money to feed his family and not winning plaques.

Kwaw Kese - Obour’s Term In Office Has Been So Bad Reviewed by Unknown on February 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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