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GRA Leadership: Blankson out, Nti in

Outgoing GRA boss; George Blankson (L) handing over the mantle to Kofi Nti (R)

Banker and Economist, Mr. Emmanuel Kofi Nti has been appointed as the new Commissioner General of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).
He takes over from George Blankson.

Mr. Emmanuel Kofi Nti who started his career as an Economist with the Bank of Ghana where he worked in the Development Finance, Rural Banking, Banking Supervision and the Treasury is also an accountant and tax expert with experience spanning over thirty (30) years.

He holds a combined Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Statistics from the University of Ghana and a combined Master’s degree in Economic and Financial Forecasting from the London Metropolitan University.

He is a Fellow of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, Ghana; Fellow of the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (ACCA); United Kingdom and Member of Chartered Institute of Taxation, Ghana.

He worked at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning as a consultant and was instrumental in the setting up of the Tax Policy Unit (TPU) in 2006.

Mr. Nti was also the Head of the Tax Policy Unit at the Ministry of Finance from 2006 to 2012.

Until recently he served as a Consultant Economist and Tax Expert, Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases Department of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Africa Region, working from the WHO Office in Kampala, Uganda and then as resident consultant in Ghana.


Banker and Economist, Mr. Emmanuel Kofi Nti has been appointed as the new Commissioner General of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).
He takes over from George Blankson. Mr. Emmanuel Kofi Nti who started his career as an Economist with the Bank of Ghana where he worked in the Development Finance, Rural Banking, Banking Supervision and the Treasury is also an accountant and tax expert with experience spanning over thirty (30) years.
He holds a combined Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Statistics from the University of Ghana and a combined Master’s degree in Economic and Financial Forecasting from the London Metropolitan University.
He is a Fellow of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, Ghana; Fellow of the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (ACCA); United Kingdom and Member of Chartered Institute of Taxation, Ghana.
GRA Leadership: Blankson out, Nti in Reviewed by Unknown on February 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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