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Facebook started on desktop, now it's moving into television screens

Facebook started on desktop, now it's moving into television screens

On Teusday, February 14, Facebook announced that it plans to launch apps for Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and Samsung Smart TV to bring videos shared on the social network into the living room.

The video app is expected to roll out "soon" to these three TV platforms, with others to come later and the launch could position Facebook to grab a share of lucrative TV advertising budgets.

Already, Facebook has invested in live video, made it easier to search for videos and has begun dipping its toes into the market for original content.

According to Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, "I see video as a megatrend on the same order as mobile. That's why we're going to keep putting video first across our family of apps and making it easier for people to capture and share video in new ways" he said.
Facebook started on desktop, now it's moving into television screens Reviewed by Unknown on February 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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