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Cephas Arthur -  Only 206 police recruits were Sacked
Mr. Cephas Arthur, P.R.O. of the Ghana Police Service

Mr. Cephas Arthur, P.R.O. of the Ghana Police Service has clarified the accurate number of sacked recruits from the service.

Superintendent Cephas said the only 206 recruits who were undergoing training at the Pwalugu Police Training School have been dismissed and not the 3000 being speculated.

Speaking to AccraFM, he said “The number is 206, not 3000. If the number were 3000, it would mean we dismissed all the police officers we recruited in the service. That is not the case. The figures are nowhere close to 3000."

He further added:The administration has decided to enforce the law against them, especially those who forged documents to deceive a public officer. They will face the law.

On Friday February 3, Mrs Beatrice Vib-Sanziri, Commissioner of Police, Director-General/Human Resource Department, wrote a letter to the Officer Commanding PPSTS, Pwalugu, saying: 

“I am directed by the Inspector General of Police to inform you to withdraw from training all recruits who do not meet the required academic qualification as follows: Only BECE Certificates (44), BECE and NVTI (22), NVTI (22), BECE and NABPTEX (7), NABPTEX (2), WASSCE (15), City and Guilds (1) and No Certificate (1).”
Reviewed by Unknown on February 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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