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Afari Gyan Descends On Legislature And Judiciary

Former Electoral Commission (EC) chair, Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan is questioning the role of the Legislature, judiciary, in balancing the power of the Executive as arms of government.
As a contributor to the 1992 constitution, he disagrees that the Executive has been wielded too much power as it is perceived by many.

Instead, Mr Afari Gyan believes the other arms of government especially the legislature who are empowered to check the excesses of the executive have failed to utilise their authority fully.

He was sharing his views during a debate on how the nation keeps retrogressing in its development because most leaders are inefficient.

Dr Afari-Gyan is of the view that until the other arms of government fully utilised their authority, the executive’s excesses cannot be checked and they would have breached the law.
Afari Gyan Descends On Legislature And Judiciary Reviewed by Unknown on February 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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